Creating and Keeping K-Family Bonds

One of the advantages Circle K offers over other student-led community service organizations is a network of K-Family organizations that encompasses people of all ages. While Circle K is comprised mainly of college students, it’s important to remember that there are other branches of the K-Family. Elementary schools have K-Kids, middle schools have Build- ers Club, high schools have Key Club. Then there is Circle K, and either Aktion Club or Kiwanis follows that.

Getting involved with the other branches of the K-Family is an excellent way to get engaged with groups of new people. Here are a few tips and ideas to help boost your K-Family relations.

If you’re having a fundraiser, reaching out to a local Kiwanis Club could mean getting more people involved. This, in turn, could help you raise more money. Kiwanis is filled with wise adults who can help guide your fundraiser forward to increase the odd of it being a success.

Each summer, the NJ District of Circle K holds a K-Family event called the K-Family Picnic. This event involves engaging in community service, food, and fun and games out on the beach with members from all of the K-Family organizations. This is a great way to meet people from all over Kiwanis and from all over the NJ District. In fact, you might even meet a few people from other districts as we’ve had a number of guests come from other districts in the past!

Key Club is huge in size and has tons of members who are looking to get more involved. If your Circle K club is planning a large event, definitely contact your local Key Clubs. You might be surprised by the number of members who are interest- ing in checking out your event! Circle K and Key Clubs have teamed up for very successful service projects in the past.

Don’t hesitate to contact local K-Kids or Builders Clubs either! Some- times our younger members become isolated due to school policy and their lack of transportation. However, it is possible to engage in ser- vice with them! Your club can try to arrange a joint-project with them, whether that means re-painting a playground at their school or teaming up to run a lemonade stand over the summer. Don’t be afraid to get creative with it.

Utilizing the K-Family’s vast network of members is a fantastic way to hold more successful events while making new friends along the way. All K-Family branches have something to offer so establishing those connections is well-worth it. Never be afraid to establish these types of connections. They’re essential to fostering the bond that keeps the Kiwanis-family together.


By Rocky Trifari, K-Family Relations Chair

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