What is Circle K International?

CKI began in 1936 as a Kiwanis club service project to provide an opportunity for capable, ambitious, and worthy young humans to acquire a college education by assisting them. Soon after the concept of CKI was recognized and accepted, the element of community service was introduced, thus creating an appealing outlet for collegians around the globe.

Today, as the largest collegiate service organization, Circle K International (CKI) boasts a membership of over 13,000 collegians on more than 600 campuses in 20 countries worldwide. CKI is a student-led organization with an International Board of Representatives elected by its membership each year. Embodied by its tenets of leadership, fellowship, and service at the club, district and International levels, CKI continues to grow through service to the world’s campuses and communities.


Our mission is a statement of what CKI wants to become and for whom: Circle K International is college and university students who are responsible citizens and leaders with a lifelong commitment to community service worldwide. Circle K inspires people to better our world. Its motto, the same as Kiwanis International’s, is “We Build.” Circle K provides constructive opportunities for students to become involved on their campuses and communities through service work to others in need. Circle K members have the chance to work with fellow students, children in the community, and other adults in need of special programs.


Circle K is not bound to any one particular service activity. Each club is encouraged to analyze its local situation and determine how its environment can be served most effectively. Every two years a new Service Initiative is designed by the Circle K International Board. Members and clubs are encouraged to perform service activities that fall within the parameters of this program.