A note from your District Treasurer
Hello NJ Circle K International Club Treasurers,
My name is Ariel Graziano, and I am pleased to be serving as your District Treasurer for the 2024-2025 service year. I am currently a senior Psychology student at Stockton University.
As a club treasurer, one of your main priorities is dues. Dues are a vital part of Circle K International that helps operate the organization on the international, district, and club levels, which is why it is important that every club submits its dues on time. There are numerous rewards and benefits that come with paying your dues. They help fund district and international events that dues-paid members can attend such as District and International Convention, K-Family Picnic, Insight, and more.
When formulating dues, a few things to keep in mind are the club, district, and international fees. Club fees are up to the discretion of the club e-board, district dues are $2 a member, and the international fee is $32 a member. This amounts to $34 per member.
If you have any confusion about this, you can check the Membership Update Center, and your amount should automatically be in there, or you can reach out to me! When you are talking to members about dues, ensure that you are also mentioning the benefits that go along with it. You can find the member benefits here: https://www.circlek.org/member-benefits/
Some of your main responsibilities regarding dues are to discuss with your executive board how much you will charge each member of your club to help pay for your international, district, and club fees, collect dues from members, record dues, and pay dues through the Membership Update Center. Some important dates to keep in mind are:
November 1st – Early Bird Deadline
December 1st – Regular Deadline
By submitting your dues by November 1st, your club is eligible to be recognized and to receive the award for Early Bird if applications are submitted on time. Your club must submit a minimum of fifteen (15) members. In addition, even though you submitted your club’s dues, you can add new members at any time, so feel free to add members at any time continuously. It is crucial to submit your dues by the regular deadline because your club status might be affected. When a club becomes inactive, it must pay a $100 reactivation fee. The club statuses are:
Active – Submitted dues by December 1st
Suspended – Did not submit dues by February 1st
Inactive – Did not submit dues by October 1st of the following year
Charter Revoked – Did not submit dues for more than two years
Circle K is the largest collegiate service organization, and the opportunities are endless when you are part of this organization. I am hopeful for the coming year, and that we will be able to increase in-person events and operations. I look forward to everything we will accomplish this year and hope that we go above and beyond our goals and expectations for this year ahead.
If you have any questions about your role or responsibilities, feel free to contact me at treasurer@njcirclek.org
Yours in Caring and Service,
Ariel Graziano
2024-2025 District Treasurer