Hello NJ CKI!
It is the time of year to start thinking about DCON and District awards!!! Our Laws, Regulations, & Awards Committee has put together many resources to help you find and submit entries for awards and contests your club is interested in! Below this section, you will find all of the 2023-2024 District Awards and Contests split into four categories: club, advisor, officer, and member. An important thing to note is that there is a new award this year, the Club Social Media Award! Awards are due on February 2nd, 2024 at 11:59pm except for the club t-shirt, scrapbook, and interclub awards which are due on March 1st at the DCON registration table.
Club Awards
- Club Achievement
- Club T-Shirt
- Interclub
- Kiwanis Family Relations
- Kiwanis Sponsorship
- Newsletter
- Outstanding Alumni Award
- Scrapbook
- Single Service Project
- Social Media Award
Advisor Awards
Club Officer Awards
Member Awards
We encourage you and your club to start planning for submissions early and coordinate applications with your members. If you have any questions about any awards or contests, please contact the Laws, Regulations and Awards Chair at arwamuhamed.cki@gmail.com.