

Kiwanis clubs, located in 80 nations, help their communities in countless ways. Each community’s needs are different—so each Kiwanis club is different. By working together, members achieve what one person cannot accomplish alone. When you give a child the chance to learn, experience, dream, grow, succeed and thrive, great things happen.

Key Club

Key Club

Key Club International, the oldest and largest service leadership organization for teens, teaches leadership through service to others. Key Club’s 250,000 members build themselves as they build their schools and communities. Key Club’s 5,000 clubs thrive in 30 nations in North America, the Caribbean, Central and South America, Europe, Asia and Australia.

Builders Club

Builders Club

Nearly 40, 000 middle and junior high students in 1,300 clubs in 18 nations contrib- ute service to school and community while developing leadership and people skills. Builders Club members implement practical service-learning principals as they focus on supporting organizations that focus on the needs of children.

Kiwanis Kids


Kiwanis Kids, with more than 33,000 members, is a service leadership program for primary school students. K-Kids provides students with opportunities to work together on service projects, develop leadership potential and create strong moral character.

Aktion Club


Aktion Club allows adults living with disabilities to participate in community service projects, gain leadership skills and become more involved in society. The mission of Aktion Club is:

•To provide adults living with disabilities an opportunity to develop initiative and leadership skills;
•To serve their community;
•To be integrated into society; and
•To demonstrate the dignity and value of citizens living with disabilities.
