New Jersey District of Circle K International District Bylaws
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the New Jersey District of Circle K International.
Section 2. The New Jersey District of Circle K International shall be abbreviated “District.”
Section 3. The territorial limits within which this district shall function shall be co-extensive with the territorial limits of the New Jersey District of Kiwanis International, unless other territorial limits are petitioned by the Kiwanis and Circle K District Boards and such petition is approved by the Circle K International Board of Representatives and the Kiwanis International Board of Trustees.
Section 1. The objects of this District shall be:
A. To accept and promote the Objects of Circle K International as outlined in the International Bylaws;
B. To coordinate the projects of member Circle K clubs;
C. To strengthen and extend Circle K in the District;
D. To increase the fellowship and cooperative efforts of the clubs within the District;
E. To provide the goods and services necessary for the welfare of the clubs and individual members;
F. To promote participation of the clubs within the District in the general objects, programs and policies of Circle K International; and
G. To accept and promote, and abide by the Bylaws and Policy Code of Circle K International.
Section 1. The territory of the District shall be divided into as many divisions as deemed necessary by the Circle K District Board of Officers and the Kiwanis District Board of Trustees.
Section 2. The territorial limits of these divisions, as approved by the Kiwanis District Board of Trustees, shall be such as shall be delineated from time to time by the District Board of Officers.
Section 1. Each Circle K club situated within the territorial limits of this Circle K District shall be a member of the District.
Section 2. Any member club more than thirty (30) days in arrears for any indebtedness to Circle K International, its sponsoring Kiwanis Club shall be considered “not in good standing” and may have its charter and membership suspended or revoked as provided for the International Bylaws.
Section 3. Any member shall have access to the bylaws and policies and procedures of New Jersey Circle K International and their respective home club to ensure transparency with membership expectations
Section 1. The Officers of the District shall be the Governor, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Editor, and such Lieutenant Governors as deemed necessary by the Circle K District Board and the Kiwanis District Board of Trustees. A Council of elected Club Representatives may be used in place of Lieutenant Governors if deemed necessary by the Circle K District Board and the Kiwanis District Board of Trustees.
Section 2. The officers, as defined above shall be elected and installed at the annual District Convention. Each club in good standing shall be entitled to three voting delegates. If a quorum is not achieved, the procedures for filling a vacancy between conventions are outlined in Article VII of these bylaws.
Section 3.
A. The Governor shall have the duty of furthering the objects of Circle K International and promoting the interests of Circle K Clubs within their District. They shall work closely with International and District officers to strengthen and expand Circle K. The Governor shall be the Chief Executive of the District, shall appoint all standing and special District Committees with the approval of their board, and shall preside at the District Convention and all meetings of the Board.
B. The Secretary shall keep all records of the meetings of the Board. The Secretary shall submit a report to the annual convention and the District Board of Officers and at such other times as the Governor and the Board may require. The Secretary shall submit to the proper officials and committees all communications received from the CKI Board. The Secretary shall cooperate with the Governor in forwarding all official reports required by CKI. The Secretary shall be required to send out at least one District Mailing every three (3) months during their term in office. The Secretary shall be responsible for collecting and compiling the District Directory, which consists of: the contact information for the District Board Officers, Club Officers, and important Kiwanis Family members. The Secretary shall also perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Governor or Board.
C. The Treasurer shall, under the supervision of the District Administrator and/or Financial Counselor, oversees collection of all district dues, and other district income, convention and training conference registration fees, and any other event the District may hold that requires a registration fee. The Treasurer shall disperse these funds in the manner authorized by the Board. The Kiwanis New Jersey District Office shall be in possession of the general account checkbook. The accounts shall at all times be open to inspection by the Governor, the Board, the District Administrator, District Financial Counselor, Kiwanis District Board of Trustees, and any authorized auditor. The Treasurer shall submit a financial report at the annual District Convention to the Board and at such other times as the Governor, the District Board of Officers, or Kiwanis District Board of Trustees, require. The Treasurer shall also perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Governor or the Board.
D. The Editor is charged with the publication of the District bulletin, the Cirkling, and all other public relation materials that the Board deems necessary during their term including but not limited to social media platforms. The Editor shall be required to publish at least one (1) newsletter every three (3) months for their term in office. The Editor shall be responsible for setting the deadlines of articles to be turned in and shall give a report to the Board at every district meeting. This person shall also perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Governor or the Board.
E. The Lieutenant Governor shall assist the Governor in the work of the District. This person shall represent the Governor and have full responsibility under the direction of the Governor in supervising the district administrative work in their respective division. The Lieutenant Governor shall be charged with encouraging clubs within the division to increase their membership, complete worthwhile service projects, and is to remain up-to-date on the conditions and concerns of the clubs in their division.
F. The Club Representatives, if they exist, shall serve as voting members of the District Board. They shall be responsible for promoting training conferences, District Convention, International Convention, District Projects, any and all other events that the Board may require.
Section 4.
A District Officer may be removed from office for just cause. Whenever there appears to be sufficient cause for such action, the Governor shall give said officer immediate notice of the scheduled meeting of the board. The quorum for this meeting shall be two-thirds (2/3) majority of the voting membership of the board. Consideration shall be given to the facts and reasons why the office should be declared vacant. The officer shall be afforded the opportunity at that meeting to explain or refute the allegations. In the event that the Board of Officers shall find the alleged facts to be true, by a vote of two-thirds (2/3), the Board of Officers shall have the power to declare such office vacant, and the vacancy will be filled in accordance with the provisions contained in these Bylaws.
Section 5. The Governor may be removed for just cause. When there is sufficient cause, the Secretary will call this meeting with a simple majority vote of the Board. The quorum for this meeting shall be a two- thirds (2/3) majority of the voting membership of the Board. The Secretary will give the Governor and Board notice of time and place of said meeting. The Kiwanis Governor or Governor- Elect must be present at the meeting. Consideration will be given to the facts and reasons why the office should be declared vacant. The Governor will be given a chance to explain or refute the allegations. In the event that the Board shall find the alleged facts to be true, by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) majority of quorum, the Board shall have the power to declare such office vacant, and the vacancy will be filled in accordance with the provisions contained in these bylaws.
Section 6. No elected District Officer Governor, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor or Lieutenant Governor may hold an International office or club office in addition to their district office. Club Representatives, if they exist, may hold club office, but not International office.
Section 1. The Board of Officers of the District shall be abbreviated as “Board” and shall consist of the Governor, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Editor, and Lieutenant Governors or Club Representatives. The District Administrator and members of the New Jersey District Kiwanis Committee on Circle K shall serve as non-voting, ex-officio members of the Board.
Section 2. The management and control of the affairs of the District not otherwise provided for in these Bylaws shall be vested in the District Board of Officers, subject to the direction and approval of the Kiwanis District Board of Trustees, through the District Administrator, and the Circle K International Board of Trustees.
Section 3. The District Board of Officers shall hold a minimum of three (3) meetings annually, one of which is to be held during the period between academic years.
Section 4. The Secretary shall notify each member of the District Board of Officers, the Kiwanis Governor, the District Administrator, members of the Kiwanis District Committee on Circle K, and the Presidents of all Circle K Clubs in the District, in writing, of the time, place (including directions), and the date of all meetings of the District Board of Officers not less than thirty (30) days prior to each meeting.
Section 5. A special meeting of the District Board of Officers may be called by the Governor, the Secretary, or two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the District Board of Officers.
Section 6. The Governor shall be responsible for sending a tentative agenda, as prepared and approved by the Governor, for these meetings to each member of the District Board of Officers, the Kiwanis Governor, the Kiwanis District Secretary, the District Administrator, and members of the Kiwanis District Committee on Circle K not less than fourteen (14) days prior to each meeting.
Section 7. In the absence of the Governor from a meeting, the District Board of Officers shall designate a member of the District Board of Officers to act as Chairperson for that meeting upon recommendation of the Governor and/or the District Administrator.
Section 8. A majority of the voting members of the District Board of Officers shall constitute a quorum, and a majority vote of those present shall decide any question, with the exception of those questions for which a greater proportion is specifically required by these Bylaws.
Section 9. Within two (2) weeks after any special or regular meeting of the District Board of Officers, the Secretary shall make a report of the proceedings of the meeting, comprising a complete synopsis of all actions taken, and shall distribute said report to members of the District Board of Officers, the International Director, the International Trustee, the Kiwanis Governor, Kiwanis District Secretary, and the Presidents of Clubs in the District.
Section 1. The annual convention of this District shall be held at the time and place mutually agreed upon by the District Board of Officers of the Circle K District, the sponsoring Kiwanis District Board of Trustees and the Board of Trustees of Circle K International. The dates and site of the convention shall be submitted to the Director of Circle K International not less than sixty (60) days prior to the proposed convention dates, and the Director, acting for the International Board of Trustees, may approve the dates and site.
Section 2. The Governor shall appoint Convention Committees as outlined in these Bylaws.
Section 3. An official call to the annual District Convention must be sent out not less than sixty (60) days prior to the dates of the convention.
Section 4. The District Board of Officers shall have full supervision and management of all conventions, in consultation with the District Administrator. The District Administrator, or Representative of the Administrator selected by the Kiwanis District Board of Trustees, shall handle any contractual arrangements necessary for the District Convention.
Section 5. Each member club in good standing shall be entitled to three (3) voting delegates and two (2) alternates at the District Convention. The said Delegates and their alternates shall be active members in good standing of the chartered clubs they represent.
Section 6. The District Governor, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor, and Lieutenant Governors shall be delegates-at-large at the District Convention. The Immediate Past-Governor, if still a member in good standing of the district, and served at least the last six months of the service year shall also be a delegate-at- large at the District Convention. International Officers shall not be considered delegates unless certified as representatives of their home club.
Section 7. Each accredited delegate shall be entitled to vote on each question submitted at any convention. There shall be no voting by proxy.
Section 8. In the absence of the Governor from any District Convention, the District Board of Officers shall designate a member of District Board of Officers to act as Presiding Officer of the convention.
Section 9. A quorum for any District Convention shall be the official delegates present and representing not less than one-half (1/2) of the total member clubs in good standing within the District.
Section 10. Each District Convention program shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
A. An address by the Governor of the sponsoring Kiwanis District or a representative of the Governor;
B. An address by the Governor of the Key Club District or a representative of the Governor;
C. An address by the International Counselor in attendance;
D. Workshops for the purpose of stimulating enthusiasm, motivating and educating membership, training newly elected Club Officers, developing leadership potential, promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion, increasing awareness of International theme and emphasis areas, and increasing service activities;
E. Nomination and election of officers for the upcoming year;
F. Installation of the newly-elected District Officers;
G. A presentation promoting attendance at the upcoming International Convention; and Presentation of Club and District Awards.
Section 11. The Out-Going Governor shall submit a report of the convention as Assigned by Circle K International.
Section 1. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Governor, a qualified member of a club in good standing with the District and Circle K International shall be elected by the District Board of Officers to serve for the remainder of the unexpired term. Such action shall be communicated by the Secretary in writing to the International Director. In any year in which the District Convention is not held the Board of Officers shall elect a qualified member of a club in good standing to serve for the upcoming administrative year.
Section 2. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Secretary, Treasurer, or Editor, the Governor shall, with approval of the Board of Officers, appoint a qualified member of a club in good standing with the District and Circle K International to serve for the remainder of the unexpired term. Such approval from the Board of Officers must be made, in writing, within fourteen (14) days of the appointment.
Section 3 In the event of a vacancy in the office of Lieutenant Governor, the Governor shall appoint a member of the District in good standing with the approval of the Board until a Lieutenant Governor is duly elected.
Section 4. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Club Representative, the affected club shall select a new Club Representative. Notification of the selection of the new Club Representative shall be made to the Board of Officers within fourteen (14) days of the selection.
Section 1. Conduct unbecoming a member of the Circle K organization in the New Jersey District is defined as any conduct that is:
A. Unlawful;
B. Incompatible with the best interests of the public or of members of the Kiwanis Family; and
C. Tends or threatens to harm the standing or reputation of the Kiwanis Family in the local or global community
D. Discriminatory behavior on the basis of race, color, creed, socioeconomic status, ability, national origin, age or sex, including sexual orientation and gender identity
A. Any member of CKI is said to be “in attendance” at an event from the moment of arrival at the event site or at 12:00 a.m. on the scheduled starting date of said event, whichever is later.
B. A member is said to be departed from the event upon final departure from the event site.
Section 3. New Jersey District CKI Alcohol Policy for New Jersey CKI sponsored conventions, events, and/or special programs.
A. The possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages by members of CKI, shall not be allowed at any CKI event sponsored or promoted by the New Jersey CKI district, or promoted by the New Jersey CKI district, or promoted by CKI clubs in the New Jersey district. The sale and distribution of alcoholic beverages, however, shall be allowed at any CKI or Kiwanis event for CKI members of legal age for the purpose of fundraising or assisting at Kiwanis events.
B. Guests, alumni, and Kiwanis-family members in attendance are asked to observe this policy in terms of their consumption of alcohol at all CKI events.
C. CKI Members are to abide by the host district’s alcohol policy when attending an event outside of their home district.
D. CKI Members may drink at their home district’s Kiwanis events, as long as no other Kiwanis Service Leadership Program members are in attendance.
E. The possession, sale, distribution, or consumption of alcoholic beverages by New Jersey Circle K Members at any Kiwanis service leadership program event will not be allowed or tolerated.
Section 4. All policies listed in the Circle K International Bylaws and Policy Code shall be followed by all members of the New Jersey District of Circle K International.
Section 1. Each member club shall pay to the district for every active member an annual dues payment of $10.00 . A change in the amount of the district dues shall be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all the delegates at a district convention.
Section 2. Assessments in excess of the annual dues may be made only upon a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all delegates attending district convention or by a two- thirds (2/3) vote of all clubs in good standing in the district between convention and must be approved by the Kiwanis district board and the Circle K International Board.
Section 3. Each check shall carry. At least two signatures, as directed by the New Jersey Kiwanis District Board.
Section 4. Revenue may be derived from other sources in such manner as may be determined by the Board. The district shall never sponsor or participate in any manner in a lottery, raffle, drawing, or game of chance in connection with any fundraising activity unless the district has received prior approval of the sponsoring Kiwanis District Board. Such approval so granted does not constitute official endorsement of such activities by Circle K International or by Kiwanis International. Any lottery, raffle, drawing, or game of chance so approved must not contravene any laws, mores, customs, or traditions of the country, state, municipality, or province in which the fund-raising activity is to be held. The district shall not directly or indirectly engage in any activity that may impugn or reflect unfavorably on the good name of Circle K or Kiwanis.
Section 5. The fiscal year of the New Jersey District of Circle K International runs from April 1st to March 31st.
Section 6. An audit shall be done at the end of each fiscal year by an auditor and shall be submitted to the New Jersey Kiwanis District Board of Trustees.
Section 7. The District may have funds in a general checking account, a convention and conference account, and any appropriate reserve accounts.
Section 1. The current edition of “Robert’s Rule of Order Newly Revised” shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters of procedure not specifically outlined in these bylaws or in the Circle K International Bylaws.
Section 1. The Bylaws of this district may be amended by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the delegates present and voting at any annual convention. All such amendments must be consistent with the bylaws of CKI and shall become effective only after the approval of the New Jersey District Kiwanis Board and the Circle K International Board of Representatives.