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New Jersey District of Circle K International Policies and Procedures
The New Jersey District of Circle K International Board of Officers establishes these Policies and Procedures for the New Jersey District of Circle K International.
We do this to order and better coordinate the activities of our District between ourselves, our clubs, and our society, whom we have pledged to serve.
We recognize and encourage positive change for our organization, and we have designed these Policies and Procedures to facilitate the process of positive change as well as the process of positive action. We have combined here all the intrinsic laws, save only the District Bylaws and the International Bylaws and Policy Code to which we bind ourselves.
We hope that as new responsibilities, new authorities, and new horizons for CKI are brought forth, they will be discussed and debated and the best of these made policy and stated succinctly herein for all to see. We have dedicated ourselves to the idea that clarity and specificity of operation is an integral part of our ability to function successfully. We hope that as new policy is formulated, the responsibility for its enactment is made clear and absolute.
It is to achieve these hopes and aspirations that we form this, the Policies and Procedures of the New Jersey District of Circle K International.
Pledged and Affirmed,
Board of Officers
New Jersey District of Circle K International
- All Policies of the New Jersey District Board shall be contained in these Policies and Procedures. These Policies
and Procedures shall in no way void or nullify any part of the Circle K International Constitution and/or Bylaws
or the New Jersey District Bylaws. - These Policies and Procedures, hereafter referred to as Policies, and any revisions made to it in the future by the
New Jersey Circle K District Board will not become effective until approved by the District Board of Trustees of
the New Jersey District of Kiwanis International. - These Policies and Procedures supersede and make null and void any and all previous Policies and Rule
adopted by the District Board. - A current copy of these Policies and Procedures shall be maintained by the District Governor, District Secretary,
District Administrator, and the Laws, Regulations, and Awards Chairperson. - The Circle K District Governor, District Administrator, and Laws, Regulations, and Awards Chairperson shall
share responsibility for adherence to the Policies and Procedures. - The District Board of Officers shall receive revised copies of these Policies within thirty (30) days of any revision.
Current copies of these Policies shall be made available, on an annual basis to all clubs in the New Jersey
- These Policies and Procedures shall be reviewed each year by the District Board of Officers. After this review, the
Board of Officers shall adopt these Policies and Procedures with any necessary revisions. - The Policies and Procedures of the New Jersey District of Circle K International, upon approval of the New
Jersey Kiwanis Board of Trustees, may be amended, suspended, or adopted at any Special or Regular meeting
without previous notice by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote or quorum.
No vouchers for reimbursement shall be signed off on by the District Treasurer and Financial Counselor, unless all
monthly reports have been turned in.
Duties of Officers:
- The District Governor shall perform those duties as prescribed in Article V, Section 3 of the New Jersey
District Bylaws. - Shall be the chief executive officer of the District.
- Shall preside at the annual New Jersey District Convention and all meetings of the Board of Officers, and serve as
a non-voting, ex-officio member on all District Committees. On all voting questions of the Board of Officers,
the Governor shall only vote in case of tie. - Shall attend the New Jersey CKI District Convention, Circle K International Convention, New Jersey Kiwanis
District Convention, Governor’s and Administrator’s Training Conference, Kiwanis Mid-Winter Conference,
New Jersey Key Club District Convention, and all duly called meetings of the Key Club and Kiwanis District
Board of Officers if these events do not conflict with other mandatory CKI events. - Shall work with the CKI District Administrator and Lieutenant Governors on building new clubs and rebuilding
inactive clubs, work to increase the quality and number of service projects, and work to increase the membership
in the District. - Shall work with the District Treasurer and CKI District Financial Counselor in preparing the annual budget and
the District Convention Budget. - Shall make appointments to committee positions, as defined in the Bylaws of the New Jersey District.
- Shall make as many club visitations and Divisional meetings as possible, but no less than one (1) visit to each club
per year. - Shall be responsible for the leadership training of all district and club officers.
- Shall ensure that other District Officers are satisfactorily performing their assigned duties with special emphasis
on reporting, record keeping, and accounting of funds. - Shall communicate with the Board of Officers, the counseling International Officer, and the Circle K
International Administrator to keep them fully informed of District Activities. - Shall ensure that plans for the District Convention are performed and executed.
- Shall work closely with the CKI District Administrator and their appointed representatives, the Key Club
District Governor, and the Kiwanis District Governor and their appointed representatives. - Shall submit a monthly report as directed by Circle K International.
- Shall maintain a set of files on past District activities which will be passed on to the next
administration. - Shall brief the incoming Governor on the duties of the office.
- Shall publish a monthly newsletter or memo to the District Board of Officers, Club Presidents, and all others
that he/she deems appropriate on the state of the District, important plans, and other pertinent information. - Shall prepare the agenda of meetings of the District Board of Officers. It should be distributed to all clubs and
the district board, at least two weeks before the scheduled meeting. - Shall provide copies of all official correspondence to the District Secretary, counseling International
Representative, and the District Administrator as per Section F, Item 1 of these Policies and Procedures.
B) SECRETARY - The District Secretary shall perform those duties as prescribed in Article V, Section 3 of the New Jersey
District Bylaws. - Shall keep all records of the District Convention and the minutes of the Board of Officers’ meetings.
- Shall notify each member of the Board of Officers, the Kiwanis Governor, the CKI District Administrator,
committee members, and the presidents of all CKI clubs in the New Jersey District of the time, place (including
directions), and the date of all meetings of the Board of Officers not less than thirty (30) days prior to each
meeting. - Shall compile a District Directory containing the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of all
District and club officers. There shall be three (3) editions, summer, fall, and spring, containing all appropriate
information. In addition, shall within two (2) weeks of the first Board meeting compile a temporary directory of
addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of the newly elected members of the Board of Officers. The
Directory shall be forwarded to Club Presidents, the District Board of Officers, International Representative,
and appropriate Key Club and Kiwanis members. The Summer Directory should be distributed by May 1, the
Fall Directory should be distributed by October 1, and the Spring Directory should be distributed by February - Any changes in the Directory will be sent to the above mentioned individuals as soon as possible.
- Shall within fourteen (14) days after any special or regular meeting of the Board of Officers, make a report of the
proceedings of the meeting, comprising a complete synopsis of all actions taken, and shall distribute said report
to the members of the Board of Officers, the CKI District Administrator, the International Administrator, the
International Representative, the Kiwanis District Governor, and the presidents of the clubs in the district - Shall submit a written report at all Board meetings, unless otherwise directed.
- Shall establish, with the Governor, a District mailing list to be used when sending out information, notices, and
agendas. - Shall send appropriate materials (i.e. Monthly Report Forms, Board Minutes, etc.) to Club Presidents of newly
chartered clubs as soon as possible after notification of charter from Circle K International. - Shall attend all duly called meetings of the Board of Officers, District Convention, and International Convention,
unless otherwise excused. - Shall assist the Governor with District functions as required and perform such other duties as may be authorized
by the Governor and Board of Officers. - Shall maintain effective communication between the District, clubs, and members.
- Shall maintain accurate and complete files on District activities and transfer them to the incoming Secretary, and
brief the incoming Secretary on the duties of the office. - Shall publish a minimum of five (5) newsletters or memos including a club monthly report tally, other
information pertinent to Club Secretaries. - Shall receive the appropriate copy of each club’s monthly report by the fifth (5th) day of the following month,
shall keep a monthly report score card indicating whether the report is on time, not received, or delinquent, and
shall advise each club on its status. - Shall utilize district technology whenever possible, minimize costs of all other activities, and avoid unnecessary
spending. - Shall at least sixty (60) days prior to Convention solicit resolutions and proposed Bylaws amendments from
District members and shall give written notice to all chartered clubs of any resolutions or amendments at least
thirty (30) days prior to Convention. - Shall, with the Laws, Regulations, and Awards Committee Chair, be responsible for the maintenance of the
District Bylaws and these Policies and Procedures, and shall keep the District Board and the clubs informed of
any approved Bylaws amendments and of amendments to these Policies and Procedures. - Shall submit a monthly report by the tenth (10th
) day of each month to the Governor, detailing all incoming and
outgoing correspondence and phone calls, official visits, monthly report and service hour tally.
- Shall copy any official correspondence, newsletters, and any other official paperwork to the Governor,
International Representative, International Vice President, and District Administrator as per Section F, Item 1
of this Policy Code.
C) TREASURER - The District Treasurer shall perform those duties as prescribed in Article V, Section 3 of the New Jersey District
Bylaws. - Shall submit a written report at all Board meetings, unless otherwise directed.
- Shall attend all duly called meetings of the Board of Officers, District Convention, and International Convention,
unless otherwise excused. - Shall assist the Governor with District functions as required and perform such other duties as may be authorized
by the Governor and Board of Officers. - Shall maintain effective communication between the District, clubs, and members.
- Shall maintain accurate and complete files on District activities and transfer them to the incoming Treasurer, and
brief the incoming Treasurer on the duties of the office. - Shall publish a minimum of five (5) newsletters or memos including financial matters, such as payment of dues
and membership growth program status, to all Club Treasurers to strengthen dues payments and provide as a
check of all official club memberships. A financial review of District expenditures should also be included. - Shall receive the appropriate copy of each club’s monthly report by the fifth (5th) day of the following
month. Page 6
- Shall utilize district technology whenever possible, minimize costs of all other activities, and avoid unnecessary
spending. - Shall serve as financial advisor of the District, keeping all appropriate records.
- Shall issue a call for District dues, advising all clubs where to send payments and membership report forms.
- Shall submit a written report reflecting the District income and expenditures and the dues status of member
clubs at meetings of the Board of Officers, the District Convention, and at such other times as the Board of
Officers or District Administrator shall require. - Shall develop and promote programs for dues incentive.
- Shall maintain, along with the Financial Counselor, a copy of the District accounts and books, at all times open
to the inspection of the Board of Officers, the District Administrator, and any authorized auditor. - Shall assist the Governor and District Administrator in preparing the annual District budget, the Convention
budget, and any other necessary budgets. - Following the end of the administrative year, but before May 1, the Immediate Past Treasurer shall assist the
Financial Counselor in compiling a complete financial report of the administrative year detailing income,
expenditures, budgets, and other pertinent information. The report shall be submitted to the old and new
Boards of Officers, the District Administrator, and the Kiwanis District Board. At this time, the books shall be
deemed closed for the administrative year. - The District dues, Convention receipts, and other funds shall be kept in appropriate checking and savings
accounts under the name “New Jersey District Circle K”. Only the District Treasurer or the District Governor,
and the District Administrator or Financial Counselor shall authorize withdrawals. The above named officials
shall see to the updating of all bank signature cards. - Shall make copies of all checks prior to depositing and keep in order with deposit slips in preparation for end of
the year internally auditing. - Shall submit a monthly report by the tenth (10th
) day of each month to the Governor, including information on
clubs that have paid dues, updated dues status for the district and International, budget updates, and any
questions or concerns that are pertinent.
- Shall copy any official correspondence, newsletters, and any other official paperwork to the Governor,
International Representative, and District Administrator as per Section F, Item 1 of these Policies and
- The District Editor shall perform those duties as prescribed in Article V, Section 3 of the New Jersey District
Bylaws. - Shall publish a minimum of five (5) issues of the Cirkling, which shall be the official newsletter of the New Jersey
District, using the sample topic schedule as follows:
a) Getting Ready for International Convention
b) Membership Recruitment and Retention and INSIGHT Promotion
c) INSIGHT Recap
d) Getting Ready for District Convention
e) District Convention Issue - Shall attend all duly called meetings of the Board of Officers, District Convention, and International Convention,
unless otherwise excused. - Shall maintain proper files, transfer them to the new Editor, and brief the new Editor on the duties of the office.
- Shall ensure that the Cirkling is an informative newsletter directed at the members of the District. It should
consist of articles on club projects, the Kiwanis Family, upcoming District and International events, and member
education and shall contain a calendar of events for the District. - Shall inform all clubs of deadlines to submit articles and all procedures involved for submitting articles for
publication in the Cirkling. - Shall distribute to all clubs sufficient copies of the Cirkling for their members. The July/August issue shall be sent
to each club’s board of officers and not to all members. Also, the Board of Officers, the Kiwanis District
Governor, the Kiwanis District Secretary, Kiwanis District Treasurer, the Key Club District Governor, Key Club
District Secretary, the International Representative, and anyone else directed by the Governor shall receive a
copy. - Shall submit, on a regular basis, articles to the KIWANIAN, the official publication of the New Jersey District
Kiwanis, and the Jersey Key, the official publication of the New Jersey District Key Club. - Shall utilize the district technology whenever possible and minimize costs of distribution by using the cheapest
available postage rates. - Shall copy any correspondence, newsletters, and any other official paperwork to the Governor, Secretary,
International Representative, and District Administrator as per Section F, Item 1 of these Policies and
Procedures. - Shall submit a monthly report by the tenth (10th
) day of the month to the Governor, report detailing all
incoming and outgoing correspondence and phone calls, official visits, and any questions or concerns that are
- There shall be one (1) Lieutenant Governor for each of the established Divisions of the New Jersey District. In
the event that no Lieutenant Governor is elected from a Division, the Board of Officers will seek a member to
fill the vacancy. In the event that no one is found within a reasonable amount of time to fill the vacancy,
appropriate measures will be taken by the board of officers. - Shall assist the Governor in the work of the District within the Division.
- Shall make at least three (3) official visits to each club within the Division.
- Shall compile and maintain a complete list of club officers’ names, addresses, and phone numbers, and submit
them to the Governor, Secretary, Treasurer and Editor as called upon. - Shall submit a monthly report by the tenth day of each month to the Governor, and at other times as directed by
the Governor or District Administrator. - Shall assist in the collection of District and International dues and dues invoice forms and shall receive a copy of
the monthly report forms by the fifth day of each month and shall summarize these reports on his/her monthly
report to be submitted to the Governor, by the tenth (10th
) day of each month.
- Shall establish communications with Kiwanis and Key Club District Officers within the Division through
introductory letters and continuous contact. - Shall attempt to reactivate, with the help of Kiwanis and/or other CKI club(s), any inactive clubs in the Division.
- Shall build as many new clubs as possible, with the assistance of Kiwanis and/or other CKI club(s), and shall
maintain a current listing of new club possibilities. - Shall promote interclub meetings within the Division.
- Shall hold a minimum of three (3) divisional events such as Presidents’ Council Meetings and other divisional
events as appropriate. - Shall assist the CKI club presidents when requested and keep them informed of all District and International
functions. - Shall be responsible for the growth of membership, service, projects and CKI education within the Division.
- Shall prepare material from the division for the Cirkling.
- Shall attend all duly called meetings of the Board of Officers, District Convention, and International
Convention. - Shall utilize the district technology whenever possible, minimize costs of all other activities, and avoid
unnecessary spending. - Shall maintain proper files, transfer them to the new Lieutenant Governor, brief the new Lieutenant Governor
on the duties of the office, and attend the District Officers’ Training Conference of the new administration. - Shall copy any official correspondence, newsletters, and any other official paperwork to the Governor, Secretary,
District Administrator, and Zone Administrator as per Section F, Item 1 of these Policies and Procedures.
Individuals and committees appointed by the Governor, and approved by a majority vote of the Board of Officers,
to assist the administrative responsibilities of the District shall form the remainder of the Board of Trustees. The
responsibilities of all Committee Chairpersons shall be clearly defined. Appointments to Board of Trustees
positions shall expire at the end of the administrative year (except for the On-To-International Convention
Chair) or at such times as the Governor determines that the responsibilities have been fulfilled.
Committee Chairpersons shall attend any duly called meetings of the Board of Officers as requested by the
Governor, INSIGHT, Spring Officer Training Conference, and the District Convention, or submit a written
report to their liaison for presentation. Committee Chairpersons are also encouraged to attend the International
Applicants for Committee Chairperson appointments must be active members in good standing in a club of the
District who, prior to appointment, have submitted written certification to the District Governor, stating they
will carry out the duties and responsibilities of such office.
No Committee Chairpersons shall be authorized to mail any questionnaires, forms, reports, or manuals of any kind
without the expressed approval of the Governor.
All Committee Chairpersons shall file a monthly report with the District Governor. This report shall be sent to the
appropriate individuals by the tenth (10th
) day of each month.
The following shall be permanent standing committees of the Board of Trustees:
a) Convention & Conferences Committee – Shall work with the Board of Officers in the planning of
INSIGHT, Spring Officer Training Conference, and District Convention.
b) Kiwanis Family Committee – Shall promote interaction among clubs in the district on the club, divisional,
and district levels. Shall be responsible for strengthening Kiwanis Family relations throughout the District by
publicizing Kiwanis Family events and implementing Kiwanis Family programs.
c) Service Committee – Shall promote the International Service Initiative, Tomorrow Fund, and District
Project throughout the District and provide clubs with suggested projects. Shall promote the overall
importance of service throughout the District and provide clubs with project ideas, including instruction on
effective planning, promotion, and implementation of projects. Shall aid in the planning of service projects
at District events, including INSIGHT, District Convention, and any other District events as directed by the
Governor or Board of Officers. Shall also be responsible for planning and promoting District-wide projects
and gathering results at the end of the administrative year.
d) Fundraising Committee- Shall work with the Board of Officers in the raising and collecting of funds and
other monies to support the district’s yearly budget.
e) Membership Development and Education Committee – Shall be responsible for the development,
evaluation, and promotion of programs to assist clubs in the implementation of membership education,
development, recruitment, and retention. Shall promote any International and regional conferences and
events and be responsible for the development, evaluation, and promotion of programs and materials to
assist clubs in the implementation of public relations techniques. Shall cooperate with all clubs in the district
during their infancy to assist them in the education of members and sponsoring Kiwanis Clubs, in the
planning of well-organized meetings, programs and projects, and the development of long range planning,
and in the encouragement of involvement at the District and International level. Shall serve as a resource for
all aspects of club operations, development, and growth, which are not adequately outlined or covered by
training manuals, district officers, or committees.
f) Laws, Regulations, and Awards Committee – With the aid of the Secretary, shall maintain these Policies
and Procedures as well as the District Bylaws in conformity with the Policy Code and Bylaws of Circle K
International and shall make recommendations to the Board of Officers for proposed amendments. It shall
be responsible for the interpretation of these bylaws for action by the Board of Officers and for all matters
affecting CKI on the District Level. It shall also review all club bylaws submitted for district approval and
make revisions. Shall also maintain District Awards and appropriate judging materials and make any
recommendations for changes to the Board of Officers. Shall submit all proposed amendments to this policy
code and the District Bylaws to the Governor two (2) weeks before the board meeting.
g) Technology Committee – Shall explore and implement new initiatives to ensure that the District website is
a useful resource to clubs and members, shall consistently update the district website, shall assist clubs in the
creation and maintenance of their own websites, and shall implement any online initiatives by the Board of
The Governor may appoint other committees with the approval of the Circle K District Board.
The specific responsibilities of all standing committees of the Committee Chairpersons are set forth as service
- A minimum of five (5) meetings of the Board of Officers during the administrative year are required. Meetings at
the District Officers’ Training Conference, during the summer, in the fall, at least one month prior to District
Convention, and at the District Convention are encouraged. - The Secretary shall notify, in consultation with the Governor, all District Board members, all Committee
Chairpersons, the CKI Director, the Counseling International Officer, the Kiwanis District Executive Board
members, the Kiwanis Committee Administrators, the Key Club Governor and Administrator, all District clubs,
and anyone else deemed appropriate as to the time, place (including directions), and date of all Board meetings
at least thirty (30) days in advance of each meeting. - The District Administrator or designated person must be present at all official meetings of the Board of Officers.
- Board reports forms shall be submitted at least two weeks in advance to the Governor and Secretary for
publication in the Board book. - At the second called Board meeting missed by any District Board Member, the member’s file will be reviewed and
appropriate action will be decided. The dismissal of a Board member requires a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all
voting members of the Board of Officers, in accordance with the New Jersey District Bylaws.
Manuals explaining and detailing the various aspects of CKI and the New Jersey District shall be compiled as
deemed necessary by the Board of Officers. The Board must approve the topic area of any manual before
publication can begin. The Governor may assign either a Board Member of a Committee or other Committee
Appointee to prepare the manual.
- All letters and other communication as deemed appropriate concerning the business of the District Board and
Committees shall have copies sent to the Governor, Secretary, District Administrator, appropriate Zone
Administrators, and one (1) copy shall be kept in personal files. - All official correspondence by District Officers shall be copied to the Governor, Secretary, District Administrator,
and the respective Lieutenant Governor, depending on who initiated the correspondence. Also, any
correspondence by clubs to District Officers or other clubs shall be copied to the Governor, Secretary, and
respective Lieutenant Governor as appropriate. - All correspondence to the District Administrator deemed appropriate shall be copied to the Kiwanis Governor,
CKI Governor, and CKI Secretary. - All correspondence concerning finances shall be copied to the CKI Governor, CKI Treasurer, Financial
Counselor and the District Administrator.
- The District Convention will be held within the geographic confines of the New Jersey District. The District
Administrator in consultation with the District Governor will be responsible for selecting the convention site
and date up to two years in advance. The District Board of Trustees shall approve the site for the following
year’s convention by the Winter Board Meeting. - The Host Club shall be selected by the Board from bids solicited from active Clubs in the District. The duties of
the Host Club are:
a) Designing and making the District Convention theme banner.
b) Preparing the goodie bags, which shall include a bag, folder, writing instrument, souvenir, a copy of
the International Code of Conduct, and any literature on the District Convention theme.
c) Under the supervision of the District Convention Chairperson, the Host Club is responsible for
staffing the District Convention Registration Table. - The Governor shall appoint, with the majority approval of the District Board, a Convention Chairperson and/or
Committee to:
a) Aid in the planning, arranging, and preparation for the convention.
b) Prepare and mail by December 30th prior to convention a general mailing to all clubs concerning
registration forms, awards criteria, a tentative Convention schedule, certificate of election of
delegates, petitions for District office, information and application forms for district awards, and
other forms deemed necessary by the Governor or Board.
c) Send out a follow-up mailing or requests of the Governor or Board of Officers concerning the
Convention at least sixty (60) days prior to the convention date.
d) Send out a third mailing, as appropriate, prior to the Convention. - The Governor shall mail to each club in the district and to the District Administrator, the International Director,
the International Representative, the Kiwanis District Governor, and the Key Club District Governor, an official
call to the annual convention not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date of the convention. - The Board of Officers shall have full supervision and management over all conventions, under the guidance of
the CKI District Administrator and the Kiwanis District, according to the following calendar:
● By the September Board Meeting – Final decisions on changes to district awards completed so that
the forms can be revised and made available to all clubs.
● By November Board Meeting – District Governor makes Convention Committee Appointments.
● By Winter Board Meeting – Final arrangements for convention workshops completed. The Board of
Officers has arranged for persons to conduct invocations, benedictions, pledge/anthem, color guard
and keynote speaker. The District Governor or Administrator shall confirm the attendance at the
convention of the Key Club and Kiwanis Governor. A final review and revision of the convention
script shall be completed.
Draft versions of the script shall be made available to the board at the November and Winter Board Meetings.
The District Governor and Convention Chairperson will have complete copies of the script and all other
board members will have copies of the order of business and those sessions where they are participating.
A final convention script shall be completed no later than one week following the last Board Meeting prior to
District Convention.
- The Governor and the Treasurer, with the aid of the District Administrator and Financial Counselor, shall prepare
a convention budget for approval at the Fall Board meeting. - The Program for each convention shall include:
● Address by the Governor of New Jersey District Kiwanis or their representative.
● Address by the Governor of New Jersey District Key Club or their representative.
● Workshops for the purpose of stimulating enthusiasm, motivation, and education of the membership,
leadership development, increasing awareness of the International Service Initiative, and increasing
service activities.
● “State of the New Jersey District Circle K” address shall be given by the District Governor.
● House of Delegates sessions, in which the new District officers are elected and proposed resolutions
and Bylaws amendments are considered.
● Farewell address by the retiring CKI District Governor.
● Installation of the new District Board of Officers.
All District awards shall be annual, running from District Convention to District Convention, and shall be given for
recognition of projects or accomplishments completed during that given period.
The manner of each award shall be approved by the District Board of Officers, which shall also have the authority
to maintain and finance any of the awards. No official awards other than those approved by the Board of
Officers shall be presented. This does not preclude a division from having intra-divisional awards.
All award entries must be submitted to the District Board member specified in each respective award by the deadline
specified in each respective award.
Administrative Awards:
The following Administrative Awards will be given based on statistics compiled by the District Secretary. No limit
shall be placed on the number of awards given in each category.
a) Early Bird Dues Award – given to all clubs that submit dues for 15 or more members (10 where
applicable) postmarked by November 1 of the administrative year.
b) Club of the Month Award – given to all clubs for each month that they had a service hours average
of at least 5 hours per member.
Official Awards:
The official awards for this district shall include, at a minimum:
i. William Paterson Outstanding Club Achievement Award
ii. Morris Silver Distinguished Single Service Project Award
iii. Club President Awards
iv. Club Vice President Awards
v. Club Secretary Awards
vi. Gina Marie Durham Club Treasurer Awards
vii. Brian C. Kull Club Editor Awards
viii. Club Committee Chairperson Awards
ix. Interclub Award
x. Club Scrapbook Award
xi. Brian C. Kull Outstanding Club Newsletter Award
xii. Outstanding Club Website Award
xiii. Outstanding Club T-Shirt Award
xiv. District Convention Member Mile Award
xv. New Jersey Kiwanis Foundation Family Outstanding Kiwanis Family Relations Award
xvi. Ted Hordichuk Outstanding Kiwanis Sponsorship Award
xvii. Ronald J. Weber Outstanding Kiwanis Advisor Award
xviii. Bruce E. Marich Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award
xix. Robert Hawthorne Distinguished Circle K Member Award
xx. Ralph J. Gour Distinguished New Circle K Member Award
xxi. Oratorical Contest
xxii. CKI Service Recognition Award
xxiii. CKI Society of Distinguished Collegians Award
xxiv. Robert J. Mascenik Most Service Hours by a Single Member Award
xxv. International Service and Awareness Award
xxvi. Carthage Pullman Society Induction Opportunity
xxvii. Donald J. Cox Circle of Service Award
Awards Judging:
Awards shall be judged according to specific criteria established by the Board. Awards shall be judged by the entire
District Board of Officers or committee of the whole, unless the Governor authorizes ad hoc judging committees
for specific awards. Decisions by ad hoc judging committees are considered final, unless overturned by a two-thirds
(2/3) vote of the Board of Officers. In the case of a tie, where ad hoc judging committees are utilized, the entire
District Board shall judge the award and vote. If there is still a tie, then multiple awards may be given at the
discretion of the Board.
Confidentiality of Award Winners:
The identities of all award winner recipients shall be held confidential until the time of award presentation.
Governor Awards:
The Governor may, at their discretion, present any of the following awards at the annual District Convention:
● “Outstanding District Board Member” and/or
● “Outstanding Executive Board Members” and/or
● “Outstanding Lieutenant Governor” and/or
● “Outstanding District Chairperson” and/or
● “Governor’s Support” Awards.
The House of Delegates will convene in one session. The following shall sit at the head table: Governor, Secretary,
District Administrator, International Representative, Chairpersons of the Credentials and Elections Committees,
and the District Board Parliamentarian, with the Governor presiding.
a) The session will consider resolutions, Final Reports of the Executive Officers, Bylaw amendments,
nominations of Governor, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor, and Lieutenant Governors, endorsement of
candidates for International Office (President, Vice President, Representative, and general office)
and such other business as may properly come before the House.
b) Voting delegates and delegates-at-large will be seated in a restricted section. All others present will be
accommodated in a designated gallery section and may not participate in the sessions without
permission of the House of Delegates.
c) The District Administrator shall be a non-voting member of the House of Delegates. They will be
available for consultation on matters of parliamentary procedure.
d) The active and/or verbal support of any candidate running for District Office by any voting Board
Member shall be prohibited.
The Committee on Credentials shall admit the voting delegates into the House of Delegates and present a report in
the House of Delegates.
The Committee on Elections shall have general charge of the House of Delegates sessions, including distribution,
collection, and counting of ballots.
- Nominees for Governor, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor, and Lieutenant Governor must be active members in good
standing in a club of the District who, prior to election, have submitted written certification and enrollment
verification to the District Governor by the deadline established in the District Officer Service Agreement, that
they will carry out the duties and responsibilities of such office. Those persons who do not submit the proper
written certification by the established deadline will not be permitted to participate in divisional caucuses in the
manner described in Section G, Subsection D, Item 2 of these Policies and Procedures. - Caucuses will be held Friday Evening after the Opening Session, at which time candidates for offices of
Governor, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor, and Lieutenant Governor may be introduced, present their platforms,
and answer questions.
a) Assignment of Divisions to caucuses and selection of caucus moderators shall be made by the
Governor and Elections Committee Chairperson.
b) Each caucus will decide rules of procedure.
c) Only members of a caucus shall be allowed to ask questions of the candidates.
d) Kiwanis Family guests and District Officers shall be allowed to visit a caucus.
e) Candidates may bring three members into a caucus to serve as their campaign staff.
f) In no way shall the House of Delegates limit the number of candidates that can be endorsed for
International Office. - When the agenda of the House of Delegates calls for nominations of candidates, the presiding officer shall receive
nominations for the office of Governor. Nominees who submitted written certification will be accepted first, in
alphabetical order, followed by any other nominations on the floor. The same procedure will be used for
nominations for Secretary, Treasurer, Editor, and Lieutenant Governor. The nominations for Governor shall be
closed and the balloting conducted. When the result of the election has been announced, the same procedure
will be repeated for the Secretary, Treasurer, Editor, and Lieutenant Governor elections. Unsuccessful candidates
in prior ballots may be nominated in subsequent elections. - All nominees must be present at the time of nomination and must adhere to the following limits:
a) Governor – Nominating speech of one minute, two minutes for nominee’s speech.
b) Secretary, Treasurer, Editor, Lieutenant Governors – Nominating speech of one
minute, one minute for nominee’s speech.
c) Persons nominated on the floor of the House of Delegates are granted the same
privilege under the same time limitations. - The Committee on Credentials, prior to each session, shall provide the Committee on Elections with a list of the
voting delegates, including the delegates-at-large, registered and present at the convention. The Chairperson of
the Credentials Committee shall report to the House of Delegates the following information as may often be
a) Number of club delegates present and the number of clubs represented.
b) Number of delegates-at-large present.
c) Total number of votes necessary for a simple two-thirds (2/3) majority of the seated delegates. - During the Saturday session of the Meet the Candidates, the candidates for Governor will participate in a
Governor’s Debate session, conforming to the following rules:
Each candidate will have two (2) minutes to speak in the order of nomination.
Each candidate, in succession, will be asked three predetermined questions that are not provided to candidates
in advance. Candidates will have one (1) minute to answer each question. The question will be determined
and asked by the current Governor and/or Elections Committee Chairperson.
- During the Meet the Candidates session, candidates for Secretary, Treasurer, Editor, and Lieutenant Governor will
have one (1) minute to speak in order of nomination. - Voting shall be by written ballot. The first round of Lieutenant Governor elections will take place at one time on
the ballot. No person shall be permitted to vote whose name does not appear on the list of voting delegates.
Cumulative voting and voting by proxy will not be allowed. No ballot will be counted on which it appears that
the delegate has voted for a greater number of nominees for said office than there are vacancies to be filled and
candidates to fill them. - All winning candidates must receive a majority of votes cast. If in races with three or more candidates no
candidate receives a majority, the candidate receiving the lowest number of votes will be dropped and another
ballot conducted. This procedure will be repeated until such time as one candidate receives a majority of all
votes cast. It is strongly suggested that if three (3) or more candidates are running for the office of Governor, a
run-off ballot be held on Saturday afternoon. - The Elections Committee shall report promptly the results of each balloting. The reports shall be signed by the
Chairperson and the District Administrator. After the Committee has reported, the Chairperson will deliver a
copy of each report and all ballots to the District Administrator to be retained by them for a period of ninety
(90) days following the close of the convention, after which time the ballots shall be destroyed. - All officer election ballots distributed during the House of Delegates will contain a printed option known as “no
confidence.” If the “no confidence” option receives the simple majority of votes cast then the position shall
remain vacant until the District Governor appoints an officer as outlined in the District Bylaws.
In a situation of a race with three or more candidates, if no candidate receives a simple majority vote the candidate
receiving the lowest votes will be dropped from the ballot and the election will move to a run-off between the
two remaining candidates.
The procedure will be repeated until one candidate receives the majority of all votes cast. In the situation of a race
where two or more candidates’ total votes are greater than “no confidence,” but individually do not make up a
simple majority the candidate receiving the lowest votes will be dropped from the ballot and the election will
move to a run-off between the remaining candidate(s) and the “no confidence” option.
In a situation of a race with two or more candidates receiving an equal number of votes, if that collective total is a
simple majority over “no confidence,” but individually not a simple majority the chair will break the tie between
the real candidates and a run-off between the remaining candidate(s) and “no confidence” will occur. - Literature shall be submitted to the District Governor and District Administrator for approval by a date
determined by the District Board by the Fall Board Meeting. Once approved, the literature will be sent for
publication by the District Board. No literature may be given out by candidates. All literature should be one
sheet (front and back) of 8 1⁄2” by 11” white paper. - All grievances shall come to the attention of the New Jersey District CKI Board. Any candidate has the right to
petition the District Board in response to any allegations of misconduct. The final decision rests with the New
Jersey District CKI Board of Officers. - All individuals seeking Endorsement for International Office:
a) May be nominated from the floor during the House of Delegates.
b) Must participate during a round of caucusing during the House of Delegates.
c) Voting for International Endorsement must take place by a ballot vote.
d) An official endorsement for international office may be granted if the candidate receives a
super-majority (2/3) vote.
e) All motions for voting by acclamation, voting through a resolution, voting by unanimous ballot. and
other similar motions shall be called out of order by the chair of the meeting.
- Any candidate may not campaign until thirty (30) days prior to the start of the District Convention. This includes
district technology and phone calls. - The only people allowed to actively campaign for a candidate shall be current CKI members. No more than three
(3) members can serve on a candidate’s campaign staff. - No District Board member past or present may actively campaign for a District Candidate other than themselves.
- No campaigning will be allowed between the hours of 1:00AM and 7:00AM during the Convention. This includes
informal caucusing. Informal caucuses shall be defined as any discussion between a candidate and two or more
CKI members except members of the campaign staff or the candidate’s home club. - Any candidates found in violation of this Campaigning Policy may be subject to disqualification upon suggestion
of the District Board.
Candidates for the District offices of Governor, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor, and Lieutenant Governor shall be
required to read, sign, and submit the District Officer Service Agreement to the District Administrator by
11:59PM on the Friday of District Convention.
Candidates for the District Committee Chairperson appointments shall be required to read, sign, and submit the
Committee Chair Service Agreement to the District Governor
- By the 20th day of every other month, the District Governor shall review the service agreements of each voting
member of the District Board. If any of the board members are found to be in violation of a significant portion
of their service agreement, the Governor will submit a letter of warning outlining the sections in violation and
the reasoning behind the findings. Within five days of notification, there will be a coaching meeting held via
telephone between the Governor, the Administrator, and the board member in question.
In subsequent months, if the same board member is found in violation again by the Governor, the Governor must
submit a letter of complaint outlining all sections either still in violation or newly in violation and the reasoning
behind the findings. The Governor is required to call an emergency board meeting to discuss the suspension of
the board member in violation. At the meeting, the Governor must present independent, unbiased reports
outlining the sections being violated and what constitutes those violations. The Governor and District
Administrator shall not provide recommendations to the board, but rather provide the board with all necessary
information and evidence to make a decision. Upon the completion of their presentation, the District Board
may then move into discussion. Upon completion of discussion or motion to call the question, the District
Board must then move to a vote to determine if the board member shall be suspended.
- District Board Members, who are suspended by a majority vote of the elected voting District Board, shall lose
their right to vote during the suspension period and not be eligible to file vouchers. During the suspension
period, the board member will not count toward the calculation of thresholds when conducting district business.
Halfway through the suspension period, there will be a coaching meeting held via telephone between the
Governor, the Administrator, and the board member in question. The suspension period for all board members
will be set by the Governor and District Administrator for a time frame of at least two (2) weeks but not to
exceed six (6) weeks. - At the end of the suspension period the District Governor shall review the progress of the suspended board
member. If the member is found to have improved and completed all tasks, the Governor may automatically
remove the board member from suspension; the board member in question shall regain all privileges as a voting
member of the District Board. If they have not, they must call an emergency board meeting. At this meeting, the
Governor and Administrator shall present their findings to the District Board. If the board finds the progress to
be unsatisfactory, the board will then move directly to a motion for removal from district office as outlined in
Article 5, Section 6 in the New Jersey District Bylaws.
C) GOVERNOR SUSPENSION & REMOVAL - By the 20th day of every other month, the District Secretary shall review the service agreement of the District
Governor. If the Governor is found to be in violation of a significant portion of their service agreement, the
Secretary will submit a letter of warning outlining the sections in violation and the reasoning behind the findings.
Within five (5) days of notification, there will be a coaching meeting held via telephone between the Secretary,
the Administrator, and the Governor.
In subsequent months, if the District Governor is found in violation by the Secretary, the Secretary must submit a
letter of complaint outlining all sections either still in violation or newly in violation and the reasoning behind
the findings. The Secretary is required and authorized to call an emergency board meeting to discuss the
suspension of the board member in violation. At the meeting, the Secretary and District Administrator must
present independent, unbiased reports outlining the sections being violated and what constitutes those
violations. The District Secretary shall not provide recommendations to the board, but rather provide the board
with all necessary information and evidence to make a decision. Upon the completion of their presentation, the
District Board may then move into discussion. Upon completion of discussion or motion to call the question,
the District Board must then move to a vote to determine if the Governor shall be suspended. - If the District Governor is suspended by a majority vote of the elected voting District Board, they shall lose their
right to vote during the suspension period, not be eligible to file vouchers, and shall relinquish their right to
preside over all duly called meetings of the New Jersey District Board of Officers. During the suspension period,
the Governor will not count toward the calculation of thresholds when conducting district business. Halfway
through the suspension period there will be a coaching meeting held via telephone between the Secretary,
District Administrator, and the District Governor. The suspension period for a suspended Governor will be set
by the District Secretary and District Administrator for a time frame of at least two (2) weeks but not to exceed
six (6) weeks. - At the end of the suspension period, the District Secretary and District Administrator shall review the progress
of the suspended Governor and call an emergency board meeting. At this meeting, the Secretary and
Administrator shall present their findings to the District Board. If the board finds the progress to be satisfactory,
they have the option to revoke suspension by a majority vote; the Governor in question shall regain all privileges
as a voting member of the District Board and regain the right to preside over New Jersey District Board
meetings. If the board finds the progress to be unsatisfactory, the board will then move directly to a motion for
removal from district office as outlined in the New Jersey District Bylaws.
- The Board of Officers shall appoint a designate to serve as On To International Convention (OTIC) Chair for
the following year by the Winter Board Meeting. - A mailing containing prices of transportation, information on the convention, and any other pertinent
information should be sent to all clubs. A list of people interested in attending the convention should be
gathered, and these people should be kept informed on travel arrangements and costs and other District
involvement regarding the convention. - The Governor shall see that the District is represented by as many delegates as possible.
- The District shall sponsor no less than one (1) inter-divisional training rally in a strategic area of the District to be
conducted in or near the month of November each year. - The District Board, before leaving office, may reserve the site for the INSIGHT Retreat of the next
administration. - The emphasis at the rally shall be on membership education and growth, CKI history, the purposes and function
of the District and International structures, duties of officers at all levels, and Kiwanis Family relations.
Additional emphasis will also be placed on the importance and role of members themselves in the operation of
Circle K, along with methods of developing leadership skills. - Elected District Officers are expected to attend the INSIGHT Retreat.
- The value of attending the upcoming District Convention shall be stressed.
- The District Board has the complete responsibility to make appropriate divisional assignments to the Circle K
clubs in the New Jersey District. - The clubs in the New Jersey District will be in divisions as follows:
A. Metro Division
a. Saint Peter’s University
b. Caldwell University
c. New Jersey Institute of Technology
d. Seton Hall University
e. Montclair State University
B. Seabreeze Division
a. Rutgers University
b. Rider University
c. The College of New Jersey
d. Brookdale Community College
e. Monmouth University
C. Garden Division
a. Stockton University
b. Rowan University
c. Atlantic Cape Community College
- This list is not complete and may be added to or changed when approved by the District Board of Officers at
any District Board Meeting.
- Bylaws:
a) Each member Circle K club shall adopt and keep current bylaws, consistent with the Circle K
International Standard Form for Club Bylaws. Such bylaws shall be filed with the Laws, Regulations,
& Awards Chairperson. - Club Status/Good Standing:
a) Circle K clubs that are on 4-year campuses and have more than 1000 students; paying dues to this district for
fifteen (15) or more members shall be considered in good standing with this district for the sole purpose of
awards and holding district office. If Dues are not paid by December 1, the Governor will follow the rules as
set in Section H of these Policies and Procedures.
b) Circle K clubs that are on 2-year campuses or a 4-year campus with less than 1000 students; paying dues to
this district for ten (10) or more members shall be considered in good standing with this district for the sole
purpose of awards and holding district office. If Dues are not paid by December 1, the Governor will follow
the rules as set in Section H of these Policies and Procedures.
c) All clubs must pay dues by March 1 in order to have certified delegates at the District Convention. - District Directory Information:
a) Each member Circle K club shall provide the District Secretary with all information requested for the
District Directory, including but not limited to: all Executive Board Officer addresses, telephone numbers,
email addresses, club meeting times and locations, and sponsoring Kiwanis Club information by the dates
requested by the District Secretary.
b) Information for the fall directory must be provided by each club to the District Secretary no later than
September 5th of each year. Such information can be included with the Monthly Report From (MRF) which
is due on September 5th.
- Monthly Report Forms (MRFs):
a) The Secretary of each member club shall file a club Monthly Report Form (MRF) through the digital
yearly form.
- Service entails the betterment of the community or generally helping someone/a cause without
receiving pay. - A service hour entails work performed by a CKI member in good standing to a service project.
- This service hour must be open to all CKI members in good standing regardless of gender, sexual orientation,
major, and field of study. - A service hour does not entail time spent at unpaid internships or any courses completed for credit.
- Board meetings and general club meetings do not count for service hours. If a service project is done at a
board/club meeting, the duration of the time the project takes place can be counted as service. - Service administration (the act of preparing for a service project i.e: setting up for an Embrace Kids
Foundation event at Rutgers University) shall be considered service hours. Tabling for recruitment does not
count as service. - All proceeds raised during a fundraising activity must be applied toward a charitable entity for the
fundraiser to be considered a service project.
- The Board of Officers shall be reimbursed, within the limits of their budgets.
- The Board of Officers shall submit a written voucher, complete with all receipts, to the Treasurer in order to
receive reimbursements. - Vouchers can be handed in following April 1st and up to fifteen (15) days prior to the start of the District
Convention or with prior approval of the District Treasurer. - All Vouchers with accompanying receipts must be submitted within thirty (30) days in order to be processed. Any
receipts over thirty (30) days will not be accepted. - Mileage: $.35 per mile one way. All mileage vouchers must be accompanied by a Google Maps print out of the
The New Jersey District will function under the Circle K International Code of Conduct. Rules governing the
possession, sale, and consumption of alcohol by members of the New Jersey District are listed in the District
Last Approved by the Board of Trustees of the New Jersey District of Circle K International:
June 2019 – Taylor McKay, District Governor
Last Approved by the Board of Trustees of the New Jersey District of Kiwanis International:
June 2019 – William Seeman, District Governor