What is the Governor’s Project?
Every year the District Governor has the ability to choose an initiative to focus the District’s attention towards. This year, District Governor Sanya Majmudar has chosen to support different organizations through a mental health initiative throughout the 2024–2025 Service Year! The club with the best Governor’s Project service event will be awarded at the 2024 District Convention.
Project Examples
NJ CKI Governor Sanya Majmudar has chosen to support different organizations through the mental health initiative throughout the 2024–2025 Service Year! The club with the best Governor’s Project service event will be awarded at the 2024 District Convention.
- Provide resources to become certified to volunteer for a crisis hotline
- Host a destress night with activities such as crafting and painting!
- Visit senior living centers and spend time with residents by playing board games and providing a listening ear
- Organize a session and have someone from your counseling center or from a local organization speak
- Host a destress fest during midterms and finals for your university (provide snacks, coffee and resources)
- Fundraise and organize a service event for a mental health-based organization